Men@HT hopes to provide a feeling of togetherness in faith, and encouragement as we learn more about what it means to be men of God – living our Christian faith in the real world.
Our Holy Trinity Aylesbury 2021 programme started with an emphasis on Going Deeper with God and we hope that focus will inspire Men@HT through this year to get to know Him and each other better.
We’ve mainly meet on zoom with FIRST THURSDAY at the beginning (yes, the first Thursday) of each month. We have an informal time looking at the Bible and enjoying some beer (or other favourite drink of your choice). If you’d like the zoom link for the next event please use the ‘Contact Us’ button below.
As restrictions have eased from the pandemic, we have developed our programme again (see below) – bearing in mind the one thing we all know at the moment: things can change at short notice!
We’ll aim on this web page to provide reference points and links to resources from organisations we know about, and notice of activities that are happening through wider networks – such as New Wine, Spring Harvest, LICC (London Institute of Contemporary Christianity), CVM (Christian Vision for Men) and others. Revisit this page to see what changes.
As Men@HT we’d like to be able to support each other and be welcoming to guests and newcomers – if you’d like to get in contact please use the ‘Contact Us’ button below.
REVELATION 1-11 overview video from Bible Project
(Topic of 1st Thursday on 5 May 2022)
WHAT IS CHRISTIANITY from Christianity Explored
A brief introductory video around Jesus’ question ‘Who Do You Say I Am?’
Looking Ahead:
For First Thursday in the first part of 2022 we’ll continue with our informal ‘book club’ style zoom gathering – we’re going to reflect on Revelation in the month of May (following the recent sermon series). Aiming to share what stands out to us or intrigues us from these bible passages. Check out the online resources on this Men@HT Web page in preparation.
(note: in June we’ll take a break from 1st Thursday – as it coincides with the Jubilee Bank Holiday)
We plan to continue with 1st Thursday as a zoom meeting for the moment.
Keep an eye out for news of further events for 2022….
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Every 1st Thursday of the Month
From 8pm
Meeting on zoom.
Every first Thursday in the month over a beer (or any other beverage of your choice) we will be exploring books of the Bible – informally & virtually!

Aylesbury College, Every Monday Evening
8pm – 10pm
HTFC meets on Monday evenings at Aylesbury College for fast and furious 5-a-side. This is for men of all ages and a wide range of age and ability is regularly showcased, with newcomers always welcomed. Our social spin-offs include the occasional pub meal and summer barbecue.
New events coming soon