Mission & Outreach

The Christian faith is personal but not private. God calls us to love others – to connect with the needs of friends, work colleagues, neighbours, our country and the world.

Creating and developing links with partners local, national and international is a key part of the ministry of Holy Trinity. We are actively involved in reaching out to others through both practical community based projects and through initiatives to share the good news of Jesus Christ. In nearly all cases we are working with partners to make the best use of resources and to recognise that it’s people ‘on the ground’ who know the real needs and how they can be best met.

UK & Overseas Mission Partners

Our ‘Mission Partnerships Group’ coordinates our support for a range of partners, both in the UK and overseas, through prayer, financial and pastoral support – to help them spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Community Outreach

God calls us to express his love for everyone – we think this means getting stuck in, as well as financial giving, prayer and publicity!

Wherever possible we look to partner with other chuches, people and organisations around Aylesbury and further afield.

Trinity Coffee Shop

The coffee shop in our church foyer was established as part of the re-development of the church building in 2009. It is predominantly focused on mission, serving the people in our local community and beyond.

The Alpha Course

Do you have questions about the Christian faith? Then Alpha might be for you. It runs all around the globe in cafés, churches, universities, homes—you name it. No two Alphas look the same, but generally they have three key things in common: food, a talk and good conversation!


Prayer is central to all our church life. We use Sunday meetings, small groups and printed bulletins regularly alongside special events, such as creative prayer stations, throughout the year.

Get Connected

HT is a lively church with a great mix of people of different ages and backgrounds, a broad range of worship styles, and a shared passion to get to know and love the God who made us.