At Holy Trinity we take the safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults very seriously. It is important to us that everyone who takes part in Church activities is able to feel safe and secure. As a result, we have agreed to adopt and follow the Diocese of Oxford’s Safeguarding Policy. Click on the links below to access this policy and a copy of our own Safeguarding policy.

All those responsible for work with children and young people are required to have a DBS check.
Our safeguarding officer is Guy Willimont who can be contacted in the event of any concerns.

Our safeguarding principles are a practical expression of God’s love for all his people – so that all are welcome & all are safe as they come into God’s house


Whilst these specifically refer to children, they can be applied to vulnerable adults too. . . . .

1. When the church is open (eg. Sunday morning), treat it as a public space

  • Parents/Carers: Taking responsibility for your children means knowing where your children are at all times, and staying in the same space as them if they’re younger – much as you would in a department store

  • Kids: Let your parents know where you are going if you’re going to a different room – no more hide and seek!

  • Everyone: Help to keep children safe in the building. Intervene if you see a child leaving on their own or with someone you don’t recognise

2. Adults – make sure you are never on your own with children

  • Our aim is always to have a minimum of two adults supervising a children’s activity/session

  • Adults who have been DBS checked through Holy Trinity wear a yellow badge with their name and HT Childrens Church logo on it

3. Tell someone if you’re worried about the way an adult is behaving to a child
(and they will check the situation out with the appropriate agencies)

  • Parish Safeguarding OfficerGuy Willimont

  • HT Church Wardens – Graham Strachan & Jocelyn Chappell

Parish Safeguarding Officer

If you have any concerns regarding safeguarding, please do get in touch